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Silent Features of Library

Navmaharashtra Shikshan Mandal Shevgaon’s Abasaheb Kakade College of Education, Shevgaon Library is also growing continuously since its inception. Few things are mentioned which shows that it grows continuously.
1. For better access to books or information in the library it is necessary that books must be arranged as per subjects.
2. Library has more than 5713 books according to this student book ratio.
3. Implementation of Information Technology in the library is a necessity now a day, by recognizing this thing our library is purchased library software for providing effective and efficient service to our students and staff. All data entry of books available in the library is completed and providing circulation facility to users using the software successfully.
4. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is running properly with the help of library software;
5. As per Ranganathan’s law “Every Reader his/her books” and “Every book its reader”, every reader has right to get their required books so our library is providing open access to all students and teachers for searching their information;
6. Apart from the regular subscription of periodicals and journals our library include 09 journals and periodicals with back issues also provides a large number of online books.
7. For the gathering of information reading material available in the library is not sufficient therefore Internet facility is provided by the library.